Thomas Broughton

Video game designer and technician specialising within Unity and Unreal Engine 4 & 5.

Personal Statement

A recent first-class graduate in games design and programming looking to enter the video game industry. I have experience creating game systems and mechanics both on independent projects, as well as in a group environment. I have been both a lead and junior technician in projects before, managing my own - and other's - workflow via apps such as Jira.


Staffordshire University - Computer Games Design and Programming (First Class Degree)


Introduction to Games Design

An introduction into creating well-formatted documentation and graphics for game mechanics, ui and levels

Games Engine Creation

Out-of-engine programming using C++

Rapid Games Prototyping

Introduction to Unity Game Engine and C# via game prototype creation

Introduction to 3d Games Engines

Using Unreal Engine 4 to create a level for Unreal Tournament and basic scripting

Introduction to 3d Games Modelling

Introduction to 3ds Max, as well as both low and high poly modelling

Advanced 3d Games Engines and Scripting

Adding onto what was learnt from Intro to 3d Games Engines; using Unreal Engine 4 to create game prototypes via blueprint scripting

Indie Game Development

Developing what was learnt from Rapid Games Prototyping - using Unity and C# to develop and polish a publishable game independently

Junior Collaborative Game Development and Testing

Using Unreal Engine 4 as well as Jira to create a publishable game as a group environment. I was a Junior technician in this project

A.I Scripting for Games

Using a prebuilt framework within Unity to create game a.i

Individual Games Technology Project

Similar to Indie Game Development, but with a focus on a topic that I held previous knowledge about beforehand. In my case, Unity was chosen with the focus on making a procedurally generated game

Advanced Game Design and Production

Using Unreal Engine 4 and Unity to create more game prototypes, as well as documenting the features and mechanics within the project

Senior Collaborative Games Development and Testing

Using Unreal Engine 4 as well as Jira to create a publishable game as a group environment. I was the Lead technician in this project

Rotherham College - Computer Science (D* Level 3 BTEC)


Computer Systems

Introduction to computer operating systems, and basic Linux maintenance

CSS and Website Design

Introduction to CSS and HTML


Introduction to data management and Databases


Principles of HCI and the future of HCI tech

Information Systems

Expanding on Databases; but instead of managing a database itself, analysing the data within and evaluating how it can be used

Computer Animation

Introduction to online Animation

Digital Graphics

Introduction to graphic designs and the tools and techniques used


Different forms of media found on the internet and their use cases

Network Systems Security

Managing and maintaining servers within a Network


Introduction to Object Oriented and Procedural programming through the use of Java and Python

Client Website Design

Designing and creating a website for a client

Previous Projects

Get a look at some of my previous university projects made in persuing my Degree with technical explanations in Unreal Engine and Unity

Previous Work Experiences

  • College Industry Placement - NHS Website Designer

    During college, I had to work a certain amount of hours per week within an industry placement of choice. I ended up working in Rotherham Hospital with the IT department there as a Web Designer. This meant I spent a lot of time developing my HTML, CSS and Javascript abilities. This meant working in an office environment working to a client's needs.

  • College Website Design for a Client

    An additional module I passed in college was Designing a Website for a client. While everybody in the class was designing a website for the same client with the same demands, only one website would be picked for actual use. Upon the deadline, the client selected to use the website that I had designed for them, after making a few extra requests to the layout of the website. The website is still being used today and can be seen here.

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